
Saturday, July 21, 2001

testing...lotsa links on the left...

Friday, July 20, 2001

currently listening to: Eleanor Rigby by Godhead

Sheeeeeagh toomuchthingsgoingonflippingoutandhorriblydisorganized

but it's not a bad stress. Rather, it's almost fun since only a few of the things I'm doing 'count' in terms of MUST BE DONE NOW! priority.

Right now I'm am currently involved in the following "projects":
-working at the zoo 6 days a week, 7.5 hours a day
-reading the lord of the rings trilogy (which mainly gets done while I'm working at the zoo)
-learning flash
-learning javascript
-trying to develop more of a distinct and steady art style (which leads into...)
-working on the drink, trying to develop a new design and finish the other areas
-trying to learn how to use my soap shoes a bit better without bailing horribly
-writing for storyfuck.com
-doing freelance ad design for a fledgling business newspaper
-trying to find: my keys and my ENG pendant, and my AWESOME cd that I JUST made...
-organizing my trip to Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal for August
-trying my hand at rudimentary digital video editing...I have so far one large success.
-making my old elementary school's official webpage for fall


So what is my actual job? Well, there's this mini train that goes around the park for tours. I sit on the train and give some commentary into a mic about the animals we pass by. The big thing is that the train leaves every half hour, and a ride only lasts 15 (or sometimes 10) minutes - so until the next ride I just sit around, read or draw. The other thing I do is traffic surveying - I sit myself down, and note down where people entered the area from, how long they looked at this or that, and where they left to.

Sunday I did the waterfalls. Over the course of the 7 hour day, about...25 people came by. FUN FUN FUN!!

I work from 10am to 5:30 pm every day but Saturday. I get paid $8 an hour to sit and watch people, enjoy the sun (although of this there's been very little of recently), and read or draw. Can't really complain, I guess.

In terms of drawing, I find that my art is slowly becoming more and more anime-based. I can't help myself - after seeing some, and comparing it to American art styles, I almost unconsciously try to implement the anime stuff into what I draw. Oh well.

How do you pronounce "tigers" ? Ty-gurs right? Then why does everyone I work with pronounce it "tay-gurs" ? This BUGS me! A lot actually. Actually what it really does is reminds me of this really cool/nice accent I have heard before...and I can't place who I've heard it from.

Well, it's 2 am and I have to work. Better get some sleep.

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